"Beauty of Birds" Series
Birds are really one of the wonders of the earth. So many incredible shapes and colors, sizes and wingspans. And they can fly! It's no wonder that in the ancient world, birds were considered to be the messengers to the gods. For example, the Greek god Hermes, the messenger, is shown with bird wings on his feet, connoting his ability to traverse the distance between the heavens and the earth.
Birds also played a significant role in the Biblical world. The Holy Spirit is revealed in the shape of a dove on two occasions, but even before that, birds figured into biblical events. Noah used both a raven and then a dove to determine if it was time to leave the ark. Some birds were used as burnt offerings in the Temple. Quail fed the Israelites in the desert.
Still today, we are mesmerized by birds. We hang up bird feeders. We go birdwatching and support the Audubon Society. We buy Hallmark "Beauty of Birds" ornaments. The ornaments below are stylized versions of the original birds, which is a highly appropriate form of human art. Since time began, humans have attempted to copy visually what we see around us, in order to share it, explain it and better understand it. Our ability to recreate is an example of our being "made in the image of God." Like God, we are creative beings who appreciate what has already been created, as well as enjoy creating ourselves.
In my opinion, this particular series takes after the Art Deco form of art. Beautifully rendered in bright colors and outlined in metal, each bird is shown grasping a natural object in its claws. These ornaments are certainly fitting tributes to the original models. On this page, rather than reflect on the meaning of each particular bird, I've matched the ornament with the real thing.
Birds also played a significant role in the Biblical world. The Holy Spirit is revealed in the shape of a dove on two occasions, but even before that, birds figured into biblical events. Noah used both a raven and then a dove to determine if it was time to leave the ark. Some birds were used as burnt offerings in the Temple. Quail fed the Israelites in the desert.
Still today, we are mesmerized by birds. We hang up bird feeders. We go birdwatching and support the Audubon Society. We buy Hallmark "Beauty of Birds" ornaments. The ornaments below are stylized versions of the original birds, which is a highly appropriate form of human art. Since time began, humans have attempted to copy visually what we see around us, in order to share it, explain it and better understand it. Our ability to recreate is an example of our being "made in the image of God." Like God, we are creative beings who appreciate what has already been created, as well as enjoy creating ourselves.
In my opinion, this particular series takes after the Art Deco form of art. Beautifully rendered in bright colors and outlined in metal, each bird is shown grasping a natural object in its claws. These ornaments are certainly fitting tributes to the original models. On this page, rather than reflect on the meaning of each particular bird, I've matched the ornament with the real thing.